
It was better than a man would rape me

Stories of sexual abuse at the hands of men and women in every society there are listening , but you still have not heard it said that a woman raped woman are made.
It was unlikely the UK where 25 -year-old girl in the city of Chester Fortune (Kye Fortune) , GAIL nyulynd his old girl charged us that it is 5 times sexually abused

In fact, this incident was not forced . The two girls were found on Facebook . Gail nyulynd a boy he told Fortune , both good friends and he made ​​plans to meet.
Fortune stated in court that he met 5 times . Gail had kept hidden in his hair and wear a hat worn visibly reflected so that they look exactly Explore. Fortune said 'I Gayle when asked about the appearance of a surgery that he lied because he hides his body.
He blamed the ' Gayle through the prosthesis is subjected to rape me . "Fortune said, ' If it was better that I become a victim of sexual abuse at the hands of a man . ' ' But Gail Fortune has denied the charges . The court case is still ongoing .

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